Sunday 20 May 2007

Positive Review of Acnexus

A lot of people may not have heard of Acnexus before. But this product has actually been around in Europe for years, but only recently have they opened up the US market, and business is booming.

Acnexus claims to be a 1-step all natural facial scrub that cures acne. Is it really what it says it is? Some research has been done on Acnexus and the finding is that it is not really a scrub but rather a mechanical treatment. I read that it is actually microdermabrasion. What does that mean? Its infusion of redmond clay and micro bits of walnut shell are the primary mechanical exfoliants. The product works so well because of the ingredients combined with the process.

For those of you who have had experienced serious cases of acne, your dermatologist might have done this before, massage acne fighting ingredients into your skin. In Acnexus' case, this mechanical process allows Acnexus' acne fighting ingredients to reach the cause of acne deep beneath your skin but without chemicals. Read the ingredients of your popular 3 step acne solution sitting in your cupboard, especially step's 2 and 3. They are extremely potent chemicals and alpha-hydroxy-acids which literally melt your skin so that the acne fighting ingredients can reach deep into your skin! or they contain highly flammable bleaching agents like benzoyl peroxide which irritate your skin. This painful and cumbersome process is solved with Acnexus' Scrub.

Another positive result of using Acnexus is its ability to reverse signs of aging and greatly reduce the appearnce & size of blackheads. That is, if you were to use Acnexus regularly for a year.

The cost of Acnexus is quite reasonable. You can buy a full 2-month supply for less than $30.00. That's a good deal too good to pass up! Especially since it comes with a money back guarantee if your not satisfied.

What is Acnexus?

Acnexus is said to be the world’s first 1-step acne treatment that was specifically formulated for teenagers and adults. Acnexus is supposed to help:
-heal and prevent breakouts
-rid blackheads once and for all
-annihilate oily, red, itchy skin
Above all, it is guaranteed to work within 24 hours!

So what exactly is acnexus?

Acnexus is a facial scrup that contains 27 all natural ingredients designed to work synergistically to do good to your skin all in 1-step. The 27 natural ingredients are:

organic aloe vera gel, white willow bark, chaparral, gota kula, alfalfa, valerian root, green tea, walnut shell grit, redmond clay, vegetable glycerin, jojoba oil, oatmeal, avocado oil, msm, bergamot oil, chamomile oil, clary sage, frankincense oil, geranium essential oil, jasmine essential oil, juniper oil, lavender oil, palmarosa oil, parchouli oil, rosemary oil, ylang ylang and vitamin E oil.

Acnexus does not contain harmful alcohols, minieral oils, harsp soap or benzoil peroxide

My experience with Acnexus

Acnexus is a 1-step acne treatment which seems to be quite popoular due to its ease of use and effects. Acnexus seems to work better than any 3,4,or 5 step treatment that I've ever used. I've used proactiv, murad, rodan & fields, you name it. I've tried it and all they did is just dry my skin out an make it itch. You can literally tell a difference after the first use of acnexus. It leaves your skin feeling cleaner than it has ever felt before. I will never use another acne product ever again. And never think about even touching benzoyl peroxide again. Acnexus has 30 plus all natural plant extracts that literally make your skin glow after the first use. And hasn't dried out my super sensitive skin once at all. A bottle of acnexus can last up to 8 weeks! You can get acnexus on eBay for $25 which is only $12.50 a month!! You can't beat that for an acne cure! I bought a couple more bottles and got a free gel gift that is almost as great as acnexus.